| 1. | The plate is kept in a locked cupboard . 碟子放在有锁锁着的柜子里。 |
| 2. | I stayed where the wind and the sun could strike me . 我站在有风吹日晒的地方。 |
| 3. | In one respect neuharth conformed to tradition . 在有一方面,纽哈斯还信守传统。 |
| 4. | The samples are collected in perforated polyethylene bags . 样品采集在有孔的聚乙稀袋中。 |
| 5. | He made the accusation in the presence of witnesses . 他在有见证人在场的情况下提出了控告。 |
| 6. | The propeller can follow the wind velocity closely during high-speed gusts . 螺旋桨在有高速狂风时能紧紧地追随风速。 |
| 7. | They'll all be sporting with the young ladies in the laurel walks . 他们全体都会在有月桂树的小路跟年轻的小姐们戏耍。 |
| 8. | Infra-red absorption takes place only when there is a change of dipole moment . 红外吸收峰仅在有偶极矩变化时才能实现。 |
| 9. | The rails of the two tracks are supported on wooden ties resting on a ballast . 两条线路的钢轨放置在有道碴承托的枕木上。 |
| 10. | It had an outline in vagueness, and was flung out to be apprehended . 在有了模糊的轮廓后,(她)把它顺嘴说出来,是让人领悟。 |