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English translation for "地位丧失"

status deprivation

Related Translations:
地位质量:  bonitetsite quality
法定地位:  statutory footing
实力地位:  position of strength
地位降低:  degrade
地位稳固:  hold a stable position
社会关系地位:  sociometric status
重要地位:  importancestatus
提高地位:  elevate
经济地位:  economic statuseconomical status
独占地位:  exclusive control
Example Sentences:
1.There are four causes behind all these : the flagging consciousness of morality , the loss of predominance of traditional ethics , the mis - orientation in morality training , the imperfection of social mechanism , and the underdevelopment of economy
2.On one side , tncs " m & a practices constitute a external force pushing china ' s further soes " reform , such as diversification of corporate ownership , enhancement of corporate governance structure , effective incentives mechanisms for corporate managers , upgrade of domestic enterprise ' s international competitiveness , introduce of competition mechanisms in monopoly industries , and so on . on the other side , tncs " m & a practices may bring some potential risks , such as soes " losing dominant position in strategic industries , costs of m & a failures , less employment opportunities , risks of embezzlement of stated owned assets , and tncs " abuse of market power
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