a vast territory with a sparse population; much land and few people
Related Translations:
旷: Ⅰ形容词1.(空而宽阔) vast; spacious 短语和例子地旷人稀 a vast territory with a sparse population2.(心境开阔) free from worries and petty ideas 短语和例子心旷神怡 carefree and happy3.(间隙过大; 过于肥大) loose-fitting 短语和例子这身衣服
旷费: (浪费) waste 短语和例子旷费时间 waste one's time; 不要在这上面旷费时间了。 don't waste any more time over it
Example Sentences:
For the special location and the southbound shift of the economic centrality , the population of three gorges including the districts of minor nationalities as tu , had been ever increasing in a great way in the song dynasty . but the absolute quantity is not large , so the population density was still low 由于特殊的地理位置,加上经济重心的南移和移民的发生,整个宋代三峡地区包括土家族等峡区少数民族在内,人口基本上是一直呈增长趋势的,且有时增长幅度较大,但绝对数量并不多,仍属于地旷人稀的地区。