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English translation for "场离子"

field ion

Related Translations:
离子:  [物理学] ion 短语和例子氩离子 argon ion; 阳离子 cation; 阴离子 anion; 离子泵 [电子学] ion pump; 离子波 [等离子] ion wave; 离子捕集 ion trapping; 离子层 [电子学] sheath; 离子传导 [化学] ionic conduction; 离子抽运 ionic pumping; 离子催化剂 ioni
Example Sentences:
1.Field ion emission microscope
2.Research on their field emission characteristics with fem and fim is helpful to the understanding of their field emission mechanism and the relationship of their end structures with their field emission properties . two methods of assembling swnts on tungsten tips such as physical method and chemical method were provided . the influence of different assembling methods on their field emission characteristics was analyzed
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