| 1. | In this affair it can only do harm . 关于这件事,它只会带来坏处。 |
| 2. | Let people speak the worst of me . 让人们尽量把我往坏处说吧。 |
| 3. | I had no hold upon him to make him worse . 我抓不住什么把柄可以叫他往坏处变。 |
| 4. | A healthy life and plenty of work won't hurt . 过得规矩些,多干点活,不会有坏处的。 |
| 5. | Make the announcement later when it won't do any harm . 晚些时候宣布,将不会有什么坏处。 |
| 6. | It will do you no harm . 这对你没(有)坏处。 |
| 7. | She didn't suppose that any harm would come of a promise made to a frog . 她想,答应青蛙一件事会有什么坏处呢。 |
| 8. | I have many vices, but cowardice, or want of gratitude, are none of the number . 我诚然有许多坏处,可决不怯懦,决不忘恩负义。 |
| 9. | But it's over, you know; so what signifies making the worst of it ? 你也知道,事情已经过去了,现在再往坏处想,又有什么用处呢? |
| 10. | He would acknowledge with perfect ingenuousness that his concession had been attended with such partial good . 他坦率地承认,由于他让步的结果,招来不少坏处。 |