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English translation for "块状组织"

massive texture

Related Translations:
块状采伐:  group cutting
块状矿:  ma iveoremassive ore
块状砾岩:  clumpy conglomerate
块状共聚物:  block copolymer
块状苛性钠:  detached caustic soda
块状润滑油:  block grease
块状鱼胶:  cake isinglass
块状冰川:  block glacier
块状原木:  cut log
块状播:  sowing in patches
Example Sentences:
1.Radiation from the sun also causes often serious sunburn , skin aging , eye cataracts , pterygium - a fleshy growth on the surface of the eye , cold sores and other ills , according to the report , the first to detail the global effects of sun exposure . ultraviolet light is needed to activate production of vitamin d in the body , which prevents rickets , osteomalacia and osteoporosis
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