Aides to a radical shiite muslim cleric meet with a key sunni group in iraq to ease sectarian tensions amid a spree of violence that ' s killed hundreds 回教什叶基本教义派与重要逊尼派团体在伊拉克举行会议,目的在于弭平上百人因宗教狂热而牺牲的纷争。
This priest then brought out that these moslem extremists that cause many of the world ' s problems are not the only extremists / fundamentalists causing problems 该牧师再度说明,这些回教极端主义者制造了许多的世界问题,然而不仅仅是极端主义者?基本教义派会制造问题。
Ghettoisation and the influence of saudi - trained preachers were blamed for driving some second - generation immigrants in western countries into the hands of fundamentalists 种族隔离的现象和沙乌地阿拉培育出来的教士都被认为是导致一些西方国家的第二代移民投入基本教义派的怀抱的原因。