Epidemiological survey on epilepsy in jinuo ethnic minority group in yunnan province 中国云南基诺族癫痫流行病学调查
Culture changes are proposed , especially their influence , examples and solutions 事实上,有关基诺族文化流失现象,早有学者注意并且提出尽早面对的呼吁。
A positive study on the concept of gender equality of the jinuo and bulang ethnic people in education field 基诺族和布朗族在教育场域中性别平等观的实证研究
Chapter 7 - deep habitus of welfare field , analyzes the concepts of religious welfare of jinuo and bulang nationalities 第七章是福利场域的深层惯习。本章从四个方面分析了基诺族和布朗族的宗教福利观念。
Chapter 5 - habitus of welfare sub - field ( a ) , analyzes the concepts of poverty , relief , and providing for the aged of the jinuo and bulang nationalities 第五章是福利亚场域的惯习(上) 。本章分析了基诺族和布朗族的贫困观念、救济观念和养老观念。
It discusses in depth the relations between nationalities and the concept of welfare models and the social meaning of the degree of this correlation 本章分析了基诺族和布朗族的基本福利惯习即福利模式观念,深入讨论了民族与福利模式观念的相关性及其相关强度的社会意义。
Starting from the micro - stage ( community ) , this dissertation inquires into the welfare cultures of the jinuo and bulang nationalities the economic development of which is similar 本文从微观层次(社区)入手,研究经济发展程度基本相近的基诺族和布朗族的福利文化,其目的在于探讨经济发展程度基本相近的不同民族在福利文化上是否存在以及存在哪些差异。
Yunnan is one of the important regions where ethnic minorities live in compact communities . in yunnan , 24 ethnic minorities such as yi nationality , bai nationality , naxi nationality , etc . have been living here for generations 云南是我国的一个重要的少数民族聚居区,其世居民族就有彝族、白族、纳西族、哈尼族、傣族、傈僳族、佤族、拉祜族、景颇族、布朗族、阿昌族、普米族、怒族、德昂族、独龙族、基诺族等20多个。
Chapter two briefly introduces the situation of using languages of saisiat and jinuo , and gives the retrospection of nationalities relationship at saisiat and jinuo through the limited historical data . chapter three completely records the traditional beliefs and sacrificial rites of all kinds , and probe into the relations between social action and community political organizations in rites . chapter four recounts the social , economic and culture influence of external religious when they diffuse in societies of saisiat and jinuo 不可讳言,基诺族自1950年代以也经历了社会的种种变革,传统文化的消失或变迁早已发生,以现今社会发展的态势来看,基诺无法避免与异民族及异文化接触,族群疆界将更形模糊,交通、信息及产业的发展将加速基诺族的人口流动及文化流失,基诺族在未来的时空下仍然不可避免的遭遇与赛夏族类似文化特徵消失的问题。
The natural bornite has stains and spots on the surface , showing a beautiful picture against a golden yellow background . yunnan tea is finely made , good in quality , and has a good assrtmnent . popular products include dianhong , dianliu , puercha , tuocha and qizhibing . the city of spring plants many varieties of flowers all the year round . now total number amounts to 400 在云南民族村里,吉祥的傣寨白塔,壮观的白族大理三塔,高耸的彝族图腾柱,源远流长的纳西东巴文化,佤族的木鼓布朗族的婚俗基诺族的太阳鼓拉祜族的芦笙舞奇特的摩梭人母系社会形态惊险的傈傈族上必杜活动以及风趣的亚洲群象表演,精美独特的民族风味美食,会令您陶醉其中,流连忘返。