| 1. | What if there is a genuine need to spend more to meet the needs of the community 如果有确切需要增加开支以应付社会需求又如何? |
| 2. | Significant expenses will be added into the legal system by introducing conditional fee schemes 如引入按条件收费计划,法律体制须显著增加开支。 |
| 3. | By the time tax cuts and spending increases arrive , the downturn is often over , and the extra stimulus simply adds inflationary pressure 当削减税收增加开支等扩张性政策姗姗来迟之日,下降过程往往已经结束,此时再采取刺激性措施除了加剧了通胀压力外毫无用处。 |
| 4. | And of course real gdp has tripled in that same period , meaning the government has plenty of cash to beef up the military , invest in infrastructure and still spend more on social welfare 当然,同期的实际gdp已经翻了两番,表明政府有大量财力可用于加强军事、投资基础设施,以及在社会福利方面增加开支。 |
| 5. | And so the major effect of the keynesian orthodoxy in the post - war period was to encourage an expa ion in government ending as a fraction of income , and to contribute to the inflation of the 1970s 因此凯恩斯传统理论在战后时期的主要影响在于鼓励政府增加开支作为人们收入的部分来源,也就促成了一九七十年代的通货膨胀。 |
| 6. | And so the major effect of the keynesian orthodoxy in the post - war period was to encourage an expansion in government spending as a fraction of income , and to contribute to the inflation of the 1970s 因此凯恩斯传统理论在战后时期的主要影响在于鼓励政府增加开支作为人们收入的部分来源,也就促成了一九七十年代的通货膨胀。 |
| 7. | That said , if there is a genuine need to spend more in a particular year , the government does exercise flexibility when determining the level of expenditure , provided that the gap between gdp growth and expenditure growth is reduced in the medium term 不过,如某一年度有确切需要增加开支,政府会因时制宜,只要本地生产总值增长和政府开支增长的差距可在中期内收窄,即会灵活的厘定开支水平。 |
| 8. | That said , if there is a genuine need to spend more in a particular year , the government does exercise flexibility when determining the level of expenditure , provided that the gap between gdp growth and expenditure growth is reduced in the medium term 不过,如某一年度有确切需要增加开支,政府会因时制宜,只要本地生产总值增长和政府开支增长的差距可在中期内收窄,即会灵活的厘定开支水平。 |
| 9. | At the g7 finance ministers ' gathering in tokyo on february 9th , he said that , in addition to america , countries making up a quarter of global gdp had the potential to cut taxes or increase spending ? and urged them to begin contingency planning now 在二月九号于东京召开的g7财长会议上,他说,除美国之外,构成全球gdp四分之一的国家都有能力削减税收或增加开支,同时敦促这些国家现在就开始制定应急方案。 |
| 10. | Over recent months , i have heard suggestions that , as our economy recovers and the government s financial position improves , we should increase expenditure or substantially reduce taxes , for example , by restoring the salaries tax bands and rates to their 200203 levels 过去几个月,我听到一些意见,说经济复苏,政府财政状况有所改善,我们在这时候应增加开支或大幅减税,例如把薪俸税的税阶和税率回复到二二三年度的水平。 |