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English translation for "处理调度"

process scheduling

Related Translations:
调度干事:  movement control officer
防洪调度:  flood control operationflood control scheduling of reservoir
进程调度:  cpu schedulingprocess scheduling
调度推销员:  scheduling salesmen
消防调度:  fire dispatch
调度意向:  scheduling intent
调度电话机:  dispatcher telephone
自调度:  self-scheduling
表格调度:  list scheduling
发电调度:  power generation dispatching
Example Sentences:
1.What makes a service desirable is that a service can be invoked many times without going through batch scheduling , program initiation , and later termination housekeeping over and over again
2.Some randomized optimization algorithms were applied to chemical batch process and some good results were achieved , however they should be further improved since the degree of optimization could not be judged easily
3.With this method , different levels of object could be described by different kind of petri net , and hence the hiberarchy of chemical batch scheduling model become very clear . through case study , a category of batch chemical scheduling problem can be simplified
4.The genetic algorithm ( ga ) is a new parallel optimize algorithm , which can be used to solve many kinds of np - hard problems . some researchers have used ga on scheduling problem , and this algorithm is turned out to be better than heuristic algorithms
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