| 1. | Contracted out cleaning services 外判工作予清洁公司 |
| 2. | Furthermore , buildings department will continue to outsource its work in support of its statutory functions 屋宇署亦会继续外判工作,以配合其法定功能。 |
| 3. | We will also pay attention to whether those working on government contracts are receiving a reasonable wage 同时,我们也会密切关注从事政府外判工作的工人是否得到合理待遇的问题。 |
| 4. | 10 . our group of departments have adopted various measures including re - organisation , re - engineering and outsourcing to enhance efficiency 10 .我们辖下各部门已采取各种措施,包括重组架构重整工序和外判工作,以促进效率。 |
| 5. | These letters set out among other things the factors which the ma will consider in approving outsourcing proposals submitted by individual institutions 除其他事项外,这两份通函列载金融管理专员在审批个别认可机构提交的外判工作建议书时所考虑的因素。 |
| 6. | Outsourcing and public private partnerships - to harness the innovation and resources of the private sector to achieve greater flexibility and cost effectiveness 外判工作及公营部门与私营机构合作?借助私营机构的创意及资源,增加灵活性及提高成本效益; |
| 7. | 2 . 7 virtual banks may outsource their computer operations to a third party service provider provided that the principles in the ma s guidelines on outsourcing 2 . 7虚拟银行可把其电脑操作业务外判予第三方服务供应商,但须遵守金融管理专员发出有关外判工作的指引 |
| 8. | Given the large number of streets involved in the outsourcing exercise , information on the number of complaints received in respect of individual districts or streets is not readily available 由于外判工作涉及众多街道,食环署未能即时统计按个别区份或街道划分的投诉数字。 |
| 9. | He said that despite its success , the government would not be complacent and would work with its service providers to further its management excellence in it outsourcing 他说,政府不会为过去的成功而自满,更将会与服务供应商合作,继续在管理资讯科技外判工作上争取优良的成绩。 |
| 10. | Virtual banks should discuss their plans for outsourcing with the ma in advance . they should demonstrate that the principles in the ma s guidelines on outsourcing will be complied with 虚拟银行应预先与金融管理专员讨论外判计划,并应表明将会遵守金融管理专员在有关外判工作的指引中所载的原则。 |