| 1. | Han fu ' s sufficient - beauty and the courtesy in addition 与礼的外化 |
| 2. | Money is the alienated ability of mankind 它是人类的外化的能力。 |
| 3. | Notarial system is the externalization of the operation mode of notarial power 公证体制是公证权运行模式的外化。 |
| 4. | The mental condition is the basic aspect for the externalization of the latent sense 书法创作者的心态环境是潜意识外化的基本条件。 |
| 5. | Succssuful production of calligraphy is the full embodiment of latent - sense externalization 成功的书法创作是书法作者潜意识充分外化的表现。 |
| 6. | Externalize only the virtual resources and the pages and portlets which contain the most sensitive information :仅外化虚拟资源以及包含最敏感的信息的页面和portlet 。 |
| 7. | In the course of cultural development , two forms of transformation occurred : externalization and dissimilation 然而,这个过程持续发展下去,却面临了两种转化。一是外化的过程。 |
| 8. | Business rules are a means of implementing and enforcing business policy through externalization of business function :业务规则是一种通过外化业务功能实现和执行业务策略的方式。 |
| 9. | The web services gateway technology is designed to solve the above issues while externalizing your web services Web services gateway技术旨在当外化您的web服务时,解决前面这些问题。 |
| 10. | Your web services beyond the boundaries of your enterprise network , you will be faced with a number of issues that you need to address 外化超出企业网范围的web服务时,您将面临很多需要解决的问题。 |