| 1. | Lighting system design of external facade of ten buildings in dalian zhongshan square 大连中山广场十大建筑物外立面照明系统设计 |
| 2. | As described above the characteristic of the fa ? ade is the air cavity , wich is ventilated mechanically 如上所述,该外立面的特点就是机械通风的空气隔层。 |
| 3. | From outside , this fa ? ade looks similar to the double fa ? ade in order to maintain the sculptural appearance of the building 从外观上与双层外立面极为相似,以便保持雕塑感的整体外观。 |
| 4. | Outside elevation structure in the form of mauve tower , beautiful and striking , hall choose high very much magnificent design 外立面呈紫红色塔式结构,亮丽醒目,大堂挑高设计十分气派。 |
| 5. | Goldcommon door & window , curtain wall and handrail used outside can bring aesthetic feeling to the facde of the buildings 柯曼门窗、幕墙、及室外栏杆、能给建筑物带来充满美感的外立面。 |
| 6. | A vertical element marking the crossing on the exterior of churches , beginning with the carolingian period and thereafter 一种表现教堂外立面交叉特征的垂直方向上的要素,自卡洛林王朝时代开始运用。 |
| 7. | That way intake of heavy beijing air pollution is avoided which is one of the main reasons for the decision concerning the fa ? ade system 北京严重的空气污染是我们建议采取该种外立面系统的主要原因之一。 |
| 8. | Romantic french style cityhouse , lines of its outer appearance are soft and smooth . french fastigium and arc sill completely show romanticism 浪漫的法式风情cityhouse ,外立面线条柔和流畅,法式尖顶与弧形窗台尽显浪漫情怀。 |
| 9. | This property is that single one is small and on the senior level , outside elevation adopts the heavy and complicated but magnificent european carving to decorate 该物业为单幢小高层,外立面采用繁复而华丽的欧式雕花装饰。 |
| 10. | Upright and elegant , the hotel consists of a 12 - floor structure and its annex . the black facade represents the contemporary architectural style , 酒店建筑挺拔不凡,由一栋12层主楼及裙楼组成,以黑色为主色调的外立面,富浓郁现代建筑风格。 |