| 1. | Peter and paul church yuen long 圣伯多禄圣保禄堂元朗 |
| 2. | Having an interior storm of doubting thoughts , peter was sinking 受到内心怀疑的风暴搅扰,伯多禄险遭倾覆。 |
| 3. | Lus gonzaga gomes 142 伯多禄局长街31号地下 |
| 4. | “ but you , who do you say i am ? ” peter answered , “ you are the messiah 耶稣又问道: “你们呢?你们认为我是谁? ”伯多禄答说: “你是默西亚。 ” |
| 5. | It was an ancient graffiti providing evidence of the presence of peter ' s body in the necropolis 这件古老的证物证明了伯多禄的遗体就在这个墓地。 |
| 6. | After discovering the herma mausoleum , a workman uncovered the first mention of peter 在发现了赫尔马陵墓之后,一个工人首次发现了涉及伯多禄的古物。 |
| 7. | And he allowed no one to follow him except peter , james and john , the brother of james 耶稣只带了伯多禄,雅各伯和雅各伯的弟弟若望前去,不让其他人跟着。 |
| 8. | Andrew , the brother of simon peter , was one of the two who heard what john had said and followed jesus 听了若翰的话,而去追随耶稣的两个门徒中,有一个是西满伯多禄的兄弟安德肋。 |
| 9. | Peter ' s square at the vatican displayed during an exhibition of papal portraits from the renaissance to pope john paul ii in rome 作品描写法国士兵在梵蒂冈圣伯多禄广场上巡游的情况。 |
| 10. | Sketched in plaster beneath the statue believed to be herma ' s father , were the words : peter , pray christ jesus for the holy . . 在据信刻画赫尔马父亲的雕像下面,有用灰泥勾勒出的一行字迹:伯多禄,为圣… …向基督耶稣祈祷。 |