| 1. | On the development of manganese ore deposits in southern shaanxi 锌多金属矿选矿试验研究 |
| 2. | Geology and exploration of fine quality mn ore in china 张岩下铜多金属矿化异常区的地质与矿化特征 |
| 3. | Study on polymetal sulfide ore flotation technology in shizhuyuan mine 柿竹园多金属矿硫化矿浮选工艺研究 |
| 4. | The separation technology for silver - and lead - bearing complex polymetallic ore 某含银高铅复杂多金属矿的分离提取 |
| 5. | On the structural deformation and metallogenesis in xiaoshuiilng gold multimetallic concentration area 小水井金多金属矿集区构造变形及成矿作用 |
| 6. | Ore - control condition and ore - searching direction of ag - au polymetal deposits in wudang area , hubei province 湖北武当地区银金多金属矿控矿条件及找矿方向 |
| 7. | Geological characterisitcs and ore forming regularities of volcanic type silver polymetallic deposit in south henan 豫南火山岩型银多金属矿地质特征及成矿规律 |
| 8. | Discoving of the kendekeke including its periphery cobalt - ploymetallic ore deposit and significance , east kunlun mountain 东昆仑肯德可克及外围钴多金属矿找矿突破的启示 |
| 9. | The effects were studied by using dual - frequency induced polarization method to prospect and appraise halasu copper deposit and sawusikande nonferrous metal deposit in the aletai mountain area 摘要以哈腊苏铜矿和萨乌斯坎德多金属矿为例,研究在阿勒泰山区运用双频激电法进行快速找矿评价的效果。 |
| 10. | The paper describes typical erbahuo ag deposit and youfangxi ag - polymetal deposit geology , ore - control factors and marks showing the potetial and direction for further exploration 文章论述了二把火银矿、油房银多金属矿的矿床地质特徵及其控矿因素、找矿标志,认?该区具有可观的找矿潜力, ?提出了找矿方向。 |