Majority of large data centers are fed with 16000v ( us ) and require substantial transformation 多数大型数据中心都是用16000伏电压进行供电,同时要求可靠的稳压系统。
Our client s website will be hosted and well managed under our server located at the ctm data center 本公司于大型数据中心自设伺服器,为各客户提供快速、安全的网上储存空间。
There s another large data center in chicago where information about the commodities market is stored and processing occurs 在芝加哥有另一个大型数据中心,在这里存储和处理关于商品市场的信息。
In the new york office there s a large data center where historical standard poor s data is stored and processing occurs 在纽约办事处有一个大型数据中心,在这里存储并处理standard & poor的历史数据。