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English translation for "大家唱"


Related Translations:
大家姐:  elder sister's story
大家一起:  the more we get together
休妻大家:  mitlab
大家分享:  we will be back
大家发球:  over hand
大家一起来:  come on everybodycome with us! - andanteeverybody gonfi gongetting anyminna yatteruka
大家如何选择:  anu or adelaide u
大家有份:  ufor grabsup for grabs
让大家喜欢:  make everybody happy
Example Sentences:
1.He sang two or three songs at catherine's timid request; not that he flattered himself that this would help to bring her father round .
2.Next , let me sing out today ' s question
3.I have no money but if you will lend me your attention i shall endeavour to sing to you of a heart bowed down
“我不称钱,然而您们要是肯听的话,我就为大家唱一支沉痛的心灵之曲149 。 ”
4.To save us from embarrassment , master quickly came down the stage and sang with everyone , " little lamb wants to go home .
5.At the end of the day , together we sang to wish master a happy ching hai day , and invited ms . yang to cut the vegetarian cake . after eating the cake , we joyfully went home with lovely memories of a meaningful ching hai day
Similar Words:
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