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English translation for "大松树"


Related Translations:
松树:  pine tree; pine◇松树园 pinetum
松树缝:  pine needles
松树的:  piny
松树绿:  pine green
松树镇:  songshuzhen
松树俱乐部:  club des pin
松树根:  pinellia 5:pinellia ternata han ban xia
松树蕈:  pine boletus
小松树:  small pine
松树碎片:  pine splinter
Example Sentences:
1.There used to be five big pine trees in my hometown
2.On top of the hill stands a big pine tree
3.I was walking down the street , when i suddenly saw a car bump against a huge pine
4.Over there , under a huge pine tree , an interesting game of chess were going on between two old men , with fans in their hands each
5.On the fourth day , the wife asked her husband angrily , go to carry water . when the old man came back to pour the water into pail , he dared not to look at his wife , only watched the pail
6.That morning , finding that i was to be involved in the horrid disappointment he had prepared for the mutineers , he had run all the way to the cave , and , leaving the squire to i guard the captain , had taken gray and the maroon , and started , making the diagonal across the island , to be at hand beside the pine
7.Ben , in his long , lonely wanderings about the island , had found the skeleton - it was he that had rifled it ; he had found the treasure ; he had dug it up it was the haft of his pickaxe that lay broken in the excavation ; he had carried it on his back , in many weary journeys , from the foot of the tall pine to a cave he had on the two - pointed hill at the north - east angle of the island , and there it had lain stored in safety since two months before the arrival of the hispaniola
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