| 1. | Had it anything to do with father's making such a moment of himself in carriage this afternoon ? 今儿过晌儿,俺爹坐在大马车里,出那样的洋相,他那是怎么啦? |
| 2. | If we were rich and rode to school in a big carriage like the o'briens, they'd be all over us like a rash . 如果我们是富人,象奥布里恩斯家的孩子那样乘着大马车上学,她们就会象势利鬼那样抬举我们。 |
| 3. | "if the worst comes to the worst", becky thought, "my retreat is secure; and i have a right-hand seat in the barouche. " 蓓基想到:“逼到最后一条路,逃难是不怕的了,在大马车里,我稳稳的有一个位子了。” |
| 4. | The coach bears the royal coat of arms 这辆大马车上有王室的盾形纹章 |
| 5. | I ' ii wait downstairs . bring up the coach 我会在楼下等着,带上大马车 |
| 6. | Paltry funeral : coach and three carriages . it s all the same 简陋的葬礼,一辆大马车,三辆小的。 |
| 7. | Go to the devil with the waggon 这辆大马车,真见鬼! |
| 8. | Customize a van 定做一辆大马车 |
| 9. | Coach - and - four 四马拉的大马车 |
| 10. | After him came a waggon unlike all that had passed over before . it was a german 一辆大马车跟在他后面,它和以前驶过的大马车都不相像。 |