Suggestions on hong ta group ' s tourism program of developing 红塔集团开发天文地理旅游项目的建议
According to legend , he encouraged the study of astronomy and geography and helped fishermen and traders fight against natural disasters 相传他倡读天文地理,协助渔民商旅对抗天灾,立下不少功绩。
He reads extensively on a wide range of subjects , from the classics and literature to science , technology , economics and management 汪老涉猎极广,从经史子集到文学名著,从天文地理到财经科技,无所不读,且一目十行、过目不忘。
Having developed a keen interest in the natural elements as a student , sir lok taking on a career in the observatory is like a proverbial duck to water 乐哥于求学时期已对天文地理产生浓厚兴趣,投身天文台工作,自然是如鱼得水。
Indeed a humble rustic who serves god is better than a proud intellectual who neglects his soul to study the course of the stars 2 的确,一个谦卑、服事天主的粗人,胜过骄傲的知识分子,他们但知汲汲于天文地理,而忽视心灵的探究2 。
Apart from a variety of local and world weather forecasts , you may also find in the observatory s web pages information about synchronization of computer clock , fun activities on radiation basics and even enjoy a virtual tour of the airport meteorological office on - line to indulge yourself in the fantasy of meteorological science 您也可以在天文台的网页取得校对电脑时钟辐射基础知识趣味活动的资料,甚至可以于网上畅游机场气象所,领略探求天文地理知识的情趣。
Nan shih gu , a prophet who specialized in astrology , geomancy , and the book of changes , warned us of destructive changes towards the end of the twentieth century : " a tiny object that looks like a head but without legs which means an atomic bomb will explode in the air and create a sea of fire , dimming the sun and moon . 格庵遗录的作者南师古,是一位精通天文地理及易经的预言家,他警告我们在二十世纪末,有一些毁灭性的改变会发生:有一种小小的,像头而没有脚的东西,意思就是原子弹,将会在空中爆炸引起火海,使日月无光。