| 1. | She was in a state of lawful innocence, so to speak . 也可以说她过的是一种守法的天真烂漫的生活。 |
| 2. | He finds the naivete of the young officer very engaging . 他觉得这位青年军官那种天真烂漫的忠心耿耿非常可爱。 |
| 3. | She was fresh and natural and quick to understand, to speak . 她朝气蓬勃,天真烂漫,头脑灵敏,想到什么就说什么。 |
| 4. | If she was a naive girl, guy pollock was a clumsy boy . 如果说她是一个天真烂漫的小姑娘,波洛克就是个笨头笨脑的小伙子。 |
| 5. | If she was the naive girl, guy pollock was the clumsy boy . 如果说她是那个天真烂漫的小姑娘,波洛克就是那个笨头笨脑的小伙子。 |
| 6. | My prompter, like a true devil, set me upon this innocent creature . 我的鼓舞者,像个真正的魔鬼,教我去骗这个天真烂漫的小孩。 |
| 7. | Eugenie's transparent sincerity had momentarily sanctified charle's love . 欧也妮的天真烂漫,一刹那间把查理的爱情也变得神圣了。 |
| 8. | From a merry child, then a blushing maid, she has become a perfect woman now . 从一个天真烂漫的孩子,到一个腼腆害羞的姑娘,她现在已长成一个姿容出众的女子。 |
| 9. | "i thought we were an old family; but this is all new!" she said, in her artlessness . “我只当我们是一家老门户哪,谁知道这一家倒全都是新的!”她天真烂漫地说。 |
| 10. | And the stern paternal penitent seemed to feel in the innocence of his children a return into early life . 那个严肃的,已经悔改了的父亲,见了他的孩子的天真烂漫,仿佛觉得自己又回到了早年的生活中。 |