Filled with the humor and charm of children , the series reflects huang yao s playfulness and longing for child - like innocence 。这些作品充满孩子的幽默和天真可爱,无限天趣。这儿嬉画系列里的孩子反映出黄尧对小孩般的天真和纯真的追求渴望。
It was in 1933 that huang yao s niu bi zi cartoon character was created , and the comic strips centering on the exploits of the round - headed character first appeared in shanghai news in 1934 .黄尧透悟各家书法之精髓,溶古拙天趣于一炉,成为其后期独特风格。
He found it somewhat clumsy but the experience is similar to when one first learns to write and he was pleased with the result and often used this childlike handwriting to accompany his early cartoons 深深觉得自己写的字,在笔下也陷入虚伪,失了天趣。一个人失了天趣,是件非常悲哀的事,连手下的作品也失去天趣,更是哀莫大焉。