This isosceles triangle is composed of vega in lyra , altair in aquila and deneb in cygnus 这个等腰三角形分别由天琴座主星织女天鹰座主星牛郎及天鹅座主星天津四所组成。
The scent of grass , the singing of birds . take a scroll , be comforted by nature . . . . . 专人讲解天文科普知识,指导观星,若天气晴朗,我们可以目视天琴座的织女星,天鹅座的天津四,天鹰座的牛郎星
The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable . please hit the " refresh " button in your web browser to retry your request 这个问题出现不止这一次了,前几次也出现过同样的情况,导致在天鹰座服务器的博客用户无法正常登陆博客和个人主页。