For a moment he was too dazed to move . 他一时头昏目眩,动弹不得。
Above were measureless spaces of giddy air, and far, faraway a line of blue sky . 头上是令人头昏目眩的茫茫苍穹,只有在十分遥远的地方才有一线蓝天依稀可见。
I did , and i could not quite comprehend it : it made me giddy 我听到了,但我并不理解,它便我头昏目眩。
I signed without hesitation at the moment , cos ' the sight of these numbers made me dazzled 当时,看见这些数字使我头昏目眩,我想都没想就签了名。
Whether the end comes in some climactic gurgle or more likely , in a succession of dizzyinglydestabilizing shortages , temporary sluts , and deeper shortages , the oil epoch is ending 最后一滴石油是否会在某种高潮下嘎然而止,或者还可能是在一系列令人头昏目眩匮乏摇摆之中,暂时过剩,而后又是更严重不足,但不管怎样,石油时代正在逐渐地结束。