| 1. | This is one of those forty-eight hours wonders . 这是那类只有四十八小时寿命的奇谈怪论之一。 |
| 2. | What i say is so much fantasy to you . yet to me it is vital reality 我说的话对于你简直是奇谈怪论,可对于我那却是要命的现实。 |
| 3. | A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in the world 博物馆里的一幅画听到的奇谈怪论比世界上其他任何东西听到的都多。 |
| 4. | In music she thought him unreasonable , and in the matter of opera not only unreasonable but wilfully perverse 她觉得他对音乐的看法没有道理,而对歌剧他就不仅是没有道理,而且是故作奇谈怪论了。 |
| 5. | At the best , in her most charitable frame of mind , she considered the statement of his views to be a caprice , an erratic and uncalled - for prank 在她心里最感到怜惜的时候,她也只把地阐述的论点当作一时的奇谈怪论和毫无来由的俏皮话。 |
| 6. | Martin did not require a second thought to discover the author . higginbotham s grammar , higginbotham s colloquialisms , higginbotham s mental quirks and processes , were apparent throughout 那东西通篇显然都是希金波坦的语法,希金波坦的用语,希金波坦的奇谈怪论。 |
| 7. | It was true , his bizarre judgments troubled her in the moments they were uttered , but she ascribed them to his novelty of type and strangeness of living , and they were soon forgotten 不错,他的奇谈怪论刚出现时曾叫她迷惑,但她认为那是由于他的奇特类型和奇特生活所致,立即把它忘掉了。 |
| 8. | Admit it : if someone had told you they had heard the trade rumored on a sports talk radio show friday morning , you would have dismissed it as the ramblings of a sports talk wack - a - doo 有一点要承认,如果有人告诉你,星期五早上他们从体育脱口秀节目中听说了交易流言,你肯定会把它弃之脑后,就像对待奇谈怪论一样。 |
| 9. | I was prepared for paradoxes from what malachi mulligan told us but i may as well warn you that if you want to shake my belief that shakespeare is hamlet you have a stern task before you “根据我听玛拉基穆利根所谈起过的,对于这些奇谈怪论我是有准备的。不过我不妨忠告你,倘若你想动摇我对于莎士比亚就是哈姆莱特这一信念,那可不是轻而易举的。 ” |