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English translation for "奋勇向前"

forge ahead

Related Translations:
奋勇:  summon up all one's courage and energy 短语和例子奋勇杀敌 fight the enemy bravely; 自告奋勇 volunteer for special duty
奋勇前进:  advance courageously; forge valiantly ahead
千奋勇:  qian fenyong
奋勇杀敌:  fight the enemy bravely
奋勇直前:  screw up one's courage and push forward
奋勇而起:  rise up courageously
请不要让你的人生命运奋勇:  please, don't allow that fate to forge your life
向前伸直:  extended staight forwardextended straight forward
向前整合:  forward integration
向前加速:  forward acceleration
Example Sentences:
1.And they came from behind to win that gory fight .
2.The more dave feels he has set his own goals, the more likely it is that he'll go right through a brick wall in order to reach them .
3.Master , i will continue to progress
4.To dare is to lose one ' s footing momentarily . to not dare is to lose oneself
5.On life ' s earnest battle they only prevail , who daily march onward and never say fail
6.On life ’ s earnest battle they only prevail , who daily march onward and never say fail
7.On life & ; rsquo earnest battle they only prevail , who daily march onward and never say fail
8.All of these are the upword momentum of moving , constantly urging tianhe workers to advance ahead
9.So let us go forward confident , determined , and unafraid . together , we will face the peril of our moment , and we will seize the promise of our times
10.This amazing part of asia will revitalise and recharge your incentive winners , leaving them with unforgettable memories , stories and , most important , the drive for success . hong kong is a unique experience - the ideal reward for a job well done
Similar Words:
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