English translation for "妊娠毒血症"
- pregnancy disease
pregnancy toxaemia pregnancy toxemia prepartum paralysis toxemia of pregnancy twin lamb disease
Related Translations:
妊娠禁忌: contraindication for pregnancy 最初妊娠: primigravidaprimipregnancy 妊娠过期: prolonged pregnancy 妊娠中: in the second or third trimester of pregnancy 妊娠发情: estrus in gestation 中期妊娠: midtrimester of pregnancysecond trimester 妊娠惊厥: eclampsia of pregnancy 妊娠早期: early trimester of pregnancyfirst trimester of pregnancy
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | An extremely large amount of fluid was present at the birth . this normally occurs when a baby has severe deformities or in the case of eclampsia - a condition in which the mothers blood pressure becomes so high that it causes toxic blood to flow into the babys body 妹妹在分娩时排出了非常大量的羊水,通常发生这种异常情况的原因有二:婴儿有严重畸形,或母体出现妊娠毒血症母亲的血压过高,导致有毒的血液流向婴儿的一种病症。 |
- Similar Words:
- "妊娠第三期先兆流产" English translation, "妊娠第一期先兆流产" English translation, "妊娠缔合糖蛋白" English translation, "妊娠定位栏" English translation, "妊娠痘" English translation, "妊娠毒血症视网膜病,子痫性视网膜炎" English translation, "妊娠毒血症性视网膜病变" English translation, "妊娠毒血症眼底改变" English translation, "妊娠毒药伤胎" English translation, "妊娠多胎" English translation