| 1. | Waste fittings and traps geberit washbasin and sink traps 浴缸落水和沐浴房存水弯 |
| 2. | Waste fittings and traps washbasin and sink traps 洗脸盆存水弯和厨房水槽落水 |
| 3. | Washbasin and sink traps bathtub drainers and shower traps 洗脸盆存水弯和厨房水槽落水 |
| 4. | Waste fittings and traps geberit traps and drainers with overflow 吉博力存水弯及地漏系统 |
| 5. | Waste fittings and traps geberit bathtub drainers and shower traps 吉博力存水弯及地漏系统 |
| 6. | Geberit traps and drainers with overflow 吉博力存水弯及地漏系统 |
| 7. | Geberit traps and drainers with overflow 吉博力存水弯及地漏系统 |
| 8. | Drain with traps for equipment units 设备用带存水弯的排水 |
| 9. | Urinal traps floor drainers with traps 带存水弯的地漏 |
| 10. | Washbasin and sink traps 洗脸盆存水弯和厨房水槽落水 |