| 1. | I ' ii teii you what just come back for the piayoffs 我来告诉你,回来参加季后赛 |
| 2. | Obviously , the atmosphere was a playoff atmosphere 很明显,打的就像季后赛一样。 |
| 3. | To iead us through the piayoffs so we can win it 带领队伍通过季后赛,然后拿冠军 |
| 4. | Rock sportscaster 1 it ' s play - offtime in texas 现在到了德克萨斯州的季后赛时间 |
| 5. | You screwed up the orders for the piayoff uniforms 你把季后赛的服装顺序搞颠倒了 |
| 6. | We are playing for third place ! - the man was out 我们在进军季后赛这个人出局了! |
| 7. | " game 7s are statement games , ' ' he said 他说道: “季后赛是7场比赛的对决。 ” |
| 8. | There will be a tightening of the reigns in the playoffs 季后赛将会充满激励的竞争。 |
| 9. | Tony , the playoffs could not start on a worse note 托尼,季后赛是否不应该这样开始? |
| 10. | That will send two ofthese teams to the state play - offs 来决定哪两支队伍进入州季后赛 |