| 1. | A confucian slogan for education a good scholar can become 学而优则仕 |
| 2. | He taught five son , each of whom raised the family reputation 他(所教导)的五个儿子, (学而优则仕, )美名远扬(天下。 ) |
| 3. | In traditional huizhou rural area , many people think their highest goal is to be official , because being official is the best way to improve the status of the clan 历史上,徽州教育以“学而优则仕”为最高目标,读书入仕是显祖扬名的最佳方式,并成为宗族极力推崇之事。 |
| 4. | Other than that , committee member in the executive yuan fu li - yeh and famous scholars like xin bin - long , wu - zhong - ji and zhang ching - xi would present in this conference 除此之外,学而优则仕的政务委员傅立叶、以及包括辛炳隆、吴忠吉、张清溪等著名学者都将在研讨会中担任引言或与谈的角色。 |
| 5. | The negative influences lie in : the traditional opinion about " justice and profit " is easy to make the modern college students think of themselves out of law ; and the viewpoint of " kindness and virtue " is easy to make the students feel illusive about law 消极作用则表现为:传统义利观容易使当代大学生滋生法律外在感;传统仁德观容易导致部分大学生的法律虚无感;传统“学而优则仕” l ? |
| 6. | The ancient intelligentsias known as the gentry class did n ' t foster the private possession of his works because of the ideas of believing in and loving the ancients , and could n ' t be independent from the society owing to the notions those who learn well can be officials 然而, “信而好古”与“学而优则仕”的信仰阻碍了中国版权法观念的形成,前者没有发展出士绅对自己作品私有的意识,后者没有使士绅在之后的发展中独立出来。 |
| 7. | This has prevented enterprisers from becoming a real modern enterpriser . therefore , chinese traditional idea has caused lower educational level and comprehensive quality of chinese enterprisers . and also the imperfect system has brought about some unwise decisions in the special period when the planned economy changed into the market economy 农业文化中重农抑商政策使商人地位低下,加上“学而优则仕”思想的长期灌输造成了中国企业家的文化水平和综合素质偏低,同时,计划经济向市场经济过渡的特殊时期体制的不完善也造成了决策的非理性。 |
| 8. | Confucius extended the " filial piety " , " reverence " of slave and patriarchal society to " benevolence " , " rite " , and transformed the " merging the clansman and king into a single whole " to the " combining sage and king into one " on the basis of uniting the " benevolence " and " rite " . then he settled the confucian value trend of " establishing king by sage " in later ages by the idea of " a good scholar can become an official . 他把奴隶制宗法社会的“亲亲” “尊尊”引申为“仁” “礼” ,并在统一“仁” “礼”的基础上把“宗君合一”改造为“圣王合一” 。然后又以“学而优则仕”奠定了后世儒家“由圣定王”的价值定向。随后又阐述了孟子、荀子及《大学》对孔子的继承和衍化。 |