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English translation for "完成比例"

percent complete

Related Translations:
完成代码:  completion code
圆满完成:  put acrosswrap up
完成任务:  accomplish a taskaccomplishing tasksfinishfulfilfunctionperform
钻井完成:  well completionwellcompletion
释放完成:  release completerlc release completion
完成稿:  resulting text
已完成:  donefinishedoff the stocks
已完成的:  accomplishedbuttoned-up
辟拓完成:  formed finish
业务完成法:  completed transaction method
Example Sentences:
1.The main functions of the module for initializing drawing environment are to set up the scale . linetype . breadth and frame of drawings according to the characteristics of the general arrangement drawing to passenger shippings . the main functions of the second module is to establish and extend graph library , retrieve from graph library and output graph blocks . using the parameterization design method to design interactively and modify automatically graphs of the local cabin are the tasks of the third module . in the help module , the drawing specifications of passenger shipping are integrated , such as equipments of anchor and moor , arrangement of cab , cabin and baggage , measures to come through and ration of passengers , etc . there are some advantages in the proposed system , such as friend interface , operation easily , drawing conveniently and modification automatically
Similar Words:
"完成百分比" English translation, "完成百分率基础" English translation, "完成百分率基川计算成本之一法)" English translation, "完成被动式" English translation, "完成比" English translation, "完成编定了潜水表" English translation, "完成编辑翻转" English translation, "完成编辑这一层" English translation, "完成编辑这一级" English translation, "完成编码" English translation