| 1. | Everything is on so gigantic a scale . 一切都是规模宏大。 |
| 2. | This palace is grand . 这座宫殿很宏大。 |
| 3. | I know that it's too vast a philosophy to grasp immediately . 我知道那么宏大的哲学是不可能一下子掌握的。 |
| 4. | This was so because there were no great priestly schools in greece . 所以如此,是因为当时在希腊没有宏大的僧侣经院。 |
| 5. | The tournament of roses is the oldest and largest of the new year's pageant . 玫瑰花赛会是历史最悠久,规模最宏大的新年庆典。 |
| 6. | He shows us a great, moving picture of everyday life and everyday people . 他向我们展示了一幅日常生活和普通人民的宏大而动人的画面。 |
| 7. | This plan was a biggie, not exactly the sort of project you could do overnight . 这可是个宏大计划,并不是你一两天就能搞起来的那种项目。 |
| 8. | In england he had seized a great mining corporation without investing a shilling . 在英国,他没有投资一个先令,居然把一家规模宏大的采矿公司弄到了手。 |
| 9. | It might not have been the spirit of christmas but it was pure hollywood spectacle . 这些作法也许有违耶稣圣灵的意愿,但这是货真价实的好莱坞宏大场景。 |
| 10. | They're the grandest order in the church, tom, said mr. cunningham, with enthusiasm . “在教堂里,他们是最宏大的一派呐,汤姆,”坎宁安先生热情洋溢地说。 |