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English translation for "宏微观经济学"

macro micro economics xqrps
macro-economics µ-conomics

Related Translations:
亚微观针孔:  submicroscopic pinholes
萧条经济学:  depression economics
直宏:  naohiro
恒宏:  tsunehiro
宏编程 宏程序设计:  macroprogramming
宏清:  hirokiyo
宏展开:  macro expansion
宏总管:  macro explorer
运行宏:  play againplay macrorun macro
德宏:  dehong dai and jingpo autonomous prefecturenorihirotokuhiro
Example Sentences:
1.Comprehensive exercises of huge - mini economics
2.Macro micro economics
3.Macro micro economics
4.I major in business english . the main courses i have studied are the basic courses for english majors , french , fundamentals of business , macroeconomics , microeconomics , international commercial law , internatioal trade , the economics of money , banking and financial market & principles of marketing during my college time , i study hard , and get good marks in most of the subjects . i pay attention not only to my study but also to improving my social abilities , i taught in qin huangdao chuangzhi foreign studies school from july 2003 to 2004 , was an interpreter for the world bicycle championships b 2001 in june 2001 , taught in qin huangdao cambridge school from mar . 2001 to sep . 2001 , and i have abundant house - teaching experiences . what ' s more , i practised in qin huangdao chia tai co . in jan . 2003 . i also tried my best to improve my other abilities besides my major , such as computer , managing abilities . i got " 1st grade " in the " hebei college students ' plan for company - creating contest " ( our work will participate in the national college students ' plan for company - creating contest ) , and got " excellent " in the " web - making contest " of yanshan university
大学期间,我严格遵守学校规章制度,尊敬师长、团结同学,有很强的集体荣誉感;学习认真刻苦,成绩良好,我的专业学习涉及内容相当广泛,包括英语的所有基础课和国际商法、市场营销、国际贸易、国际金融、工商导论、宏微观经济学等;重视理论联系实际,在学好专业课的基础上,积极参加各项社会实践、实习活动, 2001年6月,我曾为世界b级自行车锦标赛(中国?秦皇岛)担当翻译工作,在多所外语学校担任英语教师,还多次为北方物流置业有限公司(国家、河北省重点建设项目)翻译招商材料,而且2002年年底,在秦皇岛正大有限责任公司行销部实习;在学好专业课的同时,为了补充和扩展自己的知识面,我广泛涉猎其他学科的知识,如计算机、网络、创业等,尽量使自身更快成长为一专多能型人才, 2002年4月开始参加燕山大学学生创业计划大赛,并在2003年上半年参加了河北省大学生创业计划大赛,获得了一等奖的优异成绩,并将报送参加国家大学生“世纪杯”创业计划大赛, 2002年4月,参加燕山大学“绿色网络”网页制作大赛,获得了优秀奖。 。
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