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English translation for "定值保单"

a valued policy
valued policy insurance

Related Translations:
保单记录:  policy record
单独保单:  specific policy
保单批注:  policy postil
预保单:  op open policyprovisional policyprovitional policy
临时保单:  cover noteinsurance binder
浮动保单:  floating pier
全额保单:  a floating policy
保单说明书:  policy prospectus
保单分析:  policy analysis
保单有效期:  effective period of insurance
Example Sentences:
1.Valued policy insurance
2.This article is based on the principles of risk management and insurance . it insights into the interrelationship among risk , insurable interest and such important factors as insurance value in mortgage insurance , explains the asymmetry of risk assumed and relevant coverage , shows the brand new concept of ratio of real estate insurance value , argues the application of replacement less depreciation approach to the valuation of insurance value in mortgage insurance , and analyzes the valued policy and moral hazard in real estate insurance
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