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English translation for "定期维护"

age-based maintenance
forcing periodic maintenance
periodical maintenance
routine maintenance
top of file

Related Translations:
定期:  1.(定下日期) fix [set] a date2.(有一定期限的) regular; at regular intervals; periodical 短语和例子定期报告工作制度 system of regular work reports; 定期汇报工作 regularly report back on one's work; 定期轮换 rotate at regul
定期小修:  simplified periodical repair work
定期存单:  certificate of time depositfixed deposit receiptfixed deposit slipstime certificatetime deposit certificate
定期给付:  periodic prestation
定期检查:  calendar inspectioncycle checkperiodic checkperiodic examinationperiodic inspectionperiodic repairperiodic reviewperiodical check-upperiodical i ectioperiodical inspectionperiodical survey
定期保险单:  period; period policy; term policyterm of policytime policy
定期票据:  day billfixed billterm bill
定期计划:  periodic planterm plan
定期选举:  periodic election
定期租户:  termor
Example Sentences:
1.Make sure preventive maintenance plan is followed
2.Do you have a preventive maintenance schedule that reduces wasted energy
3.Periodic maintenance operations
4.Executive schedule maintenance
5.Time , scheduled maintenance
6.Time , scheduled maintenance
7.Grease traps shall be regularly maintained and cleaned out to ensure their effectiveness
8.Pay attention to the periodic maintenance of oilpressu - re signal device on cryogenic refrigerator
9.You will plan and perform preventive maintenance of the machineries on a periodical basis
10.Regular car maintenance , such as oil changes , is necessary if you want your vehicle to run well
Similar Words:
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