Xuantong was the last emperor in chinese history 宣统是中国历史上最后的皇(篁)帝。
On the case that jiang chunlin accused luan kuang in the 2nd year of xuantong period 试论宣统二年江春霖参劾奕?案
16 squat down and stand on one leg - left style squat down and stand on one leg - right style 金子? (原名爱新觉罗溥儇) ,为清皇室子弟,宣统(溥仪)乃其长兄。
Displays records of foshan s historic and cultural relics from five thousand years ago to modern times . the confucian temple , built in 1910 , is made up of the confucian sanctuary and pavilion :建于清末宣统二年(一九一O年) ,有孔圣殿及亭园,十分雅致。
Text : according to a preliminary survey , there are a total of three tomb locations , with two of them respectively belonging to the reign of guangxu emperor and xuantong emperor in qing dynasty 经初步考察,发现墓葬遗址有三处,其中两座分别是清朝光绪和宣统年间所立。
It also integrates hotel rooms , restaurant and bar , being a suitable place for recreation and holiday trip . it includes deluxe suites , deluxe double room , standard room , dinning hall , bar etc 胡同中曾建有一座适景园,清乾隆年间称"石景花园" ,清宣统年间改为"什锦花园" ,胡同因此而得名。
In the final years of the manchu dynasty , high officials and powerful eunuchs resign en mass and retire to the countryside . village children , starved and ignorant stare at the new arrival with admiration . nine - year - old lai shi decides to be a eunuch himself 宣统年间反清狂潮热哄,宫内太监纷纷告老归田,河北静海县小村内贫穷的孩童,误认为当太监会飞黄腾达,九岁的来喜遂游说父亲为他净身,事后为免村民嘲笑,把他送到京城中学艺。
In the late qing period , na - tung served an important post as president of the book of state , president of the book of ministry of foreign affairs , minister of tsung - li ya - men , minister of grand council , minister of grand secretary , command of gendarmerie in peking 摘要清光绪、宣统年间,那桐出任户部尚书、外务部尚书、总理衙门大臣、军机大臣、内阁协理大臣等重要职务,并兼理京师步军统领、工巡局事务,对清末新政的推展亦有诸多贡献,是中国近代史上的重要人物。
There were four stages in the establishment , development and evolvement of the history compiling institution of qing dynasty , namely the initiatory stage , from the year of tianming to the early kangxi era ; the developing stage , from the early kangxi era to the late period of yongzheng ; the flourishing stage , between qianlong and jiaqing ; the recessionary stage , from daoguang to xuantong 摘要清代修史机构的设置及发展演变分为四个阶段,即天命到康熙初年的起始阶段、康熙初年到雍正末年的发展阶段、乾隆、嘉庆年间的完善阶段、道光至宣统时期的衰落阶段。