The audience may embrace the film as a spectacle its costumes , sets and props all promise to delight , but it would come as a heavenly gem if one takes it as a palace film in its own right stephen teo , 观众固然可以从奇观的角度欣赏武则天服装布景及道具皆教人叹为观止,但如能看出它是一部明智的宫闱片,更会惊为天人。
Empress wu tse - tien is an intense drama of shakespearean proportions . the film chronicles the life of history s only woman to ascend the throne of the chinese empire , from her early day as a wide - eyed lass to her final lonely years in the palace 宫闱大片向来是李翰祥的强项,今次以中国传奇女皇帝武则天为题材,在一派繁荣气象的唐朝盛世中,写出皇权斗争的残酷可怖,人心的叵测。
Unfortunately for mp gi , loke wan - tho , his wife , and other high level executives of the company including wang zhibo , zhou hailong , were killed in an air disaster in 1964 . back in 1957 , run run shaw shao yifu came to hong kong to manage the restructured shaw brothers , and the construction of the gigantic shaw studio was underway . run run shaw hired a huge corps of multi - faceted talent to make varied kinds of genre films , including the period costume films and the 话说回头,邵逸夫于1957年亲自来港主持改组后的邵氏兄弟有限公司,并兴建大的影城,罗致各路人才拍摄多样化的类型,尤以大制作的古装宫闱片和黄梅调歌唱片最受观众欢迎有趣的是,这些影片在题材的取向上与上海天一公司的通俗民间故事古装片路线一脉相承。
Films erotica and cautionary tales about cheating . unlike king hu , who single - mindedly devoted his lifetime to perfecting his art , completing only a dozen or so films with a unified style and vision , li han - hsiang is too difficult to pin down or categorise . law kar , critic and former programmer for the hkfa , mentioned in a recent conversation that the appraisal of li han - hsiang was radically different in various eras and countries 所以如此,一个重要的原因可能是李翰祥的电影类型太杂,从素朴沉实的文艺言情,到千娇百媚的古装宫闱,从严谨考究的历史故事,到随手拈来的风月骗术,常令论者晕头转向,无所适从,难以为他定位,不若胡金铨心无二志地钻研他的技艺,一生只拍了十来部影片,风格纯净统一,研究起来,线索分明,比较容易掌握。