Their ancestors were bred to hunt and kill vermin 它们的祖先是被培养来捕猎害兽。
Time and again grimgor would think the skaven destroyed , just to stumble on a secret passage hiding yet more of the vermin 多少次格里姆格认为鼠人们已经完了,却发现某条秘道中又涌出了更多的害兽。
Terrier : " terrier " comes from the latin word , terra ( ground ) as these determined and courageous dogs must be small enough and agile enough to " go to ground " to pursue their quarry ( rats , foxes , and other vermin ) [小猎犬组: terrier源自拉丁语,坚定勇敢的小猎犬必须有足够小和灵活的身体来进入地下去驱赶猎物(包括鼠类,狐类和其他害兽) 。
The black bear is a large beast that perchs in forest and has high edible and medical value . in the past , the black bear was not included to the aegis animal , in the mountain area , the black bear is considered as harmful animal 黑熊是一种有较高食用价值和药用价值的大型林栖兽类。黑熊过去没有被列入保护动物,在山区一般还将它列为害兽,由于它的经济价值高,常被人类过度猎杀。