Thus restrained , his mind becomes calm . aum 他的心不再放逸,进入寂灭。
Then , suddenly , everything vanished , and there was that little tap , tap , tapping again , coming from over by the window , as if someone was knocking at the door 蓦地一切都寂灭了,依然是那答,答,答的小声从窗边传来,像有人在叩门。
This is embodied in the practice of saniathavipa syana and buddhist harmony , in the comprehension of getting rid of delusion and following the truth and in tile feeling of nirvana of peace and harmony 这些体现在止观双修与理事圆融的修行实践中,体现在对去妄归真的认识中,体现在寂灭为乐的感受中。