| 1. | Tora - san returns to his hometow . . 刚与生母冰释前嫌的寅次郎, ? |
| 2. | But hanako s guarantor suddenly shows up and takes her home when tora - san is away 事后才获悉的寅次郎感到晴天霹雳,几天后再次留书出走。 |
| 3. | After his repeated setbacks in finding a life long partner , tora - san is on the road once more . . 在前往轻津的公车上,妹妹樱终于找到了落寞的寅次郎 |
| 4. | Without the pessimism of ozu and keisuke , yamada ' s " tora - san " comes from a contented and happy family 相对于小津的无常无奈、木下的感伤与焦虑,山田的寅次郎一家是幸福、快乐的。 |
| 5. | Tora - san intends to help her back to her hometown , but hanako ends up working in the dumpling shop of tors - san s uncle 谁知花子竟到了寅次郎叔父的店里任职,其后更表示要下嫁寅次郎! |
| 6. | Tora - san returns to his hometown and is reconciled with his mother kiku , who has left him behind since he was born 刚与生母冰释前嫌的寅次郎,在旅行途中遇到有智商不高,但纯真可爱的花子。 |
| 7. | The films revolve around the romantic and domestic adventures in the travels of the middle - age protagonist tora 故事以寅次郎为中心,讲这个只爱游山玩水的戆直中年汉的旅途轶事、家事及感情事。 |
| 8. | The kusadango ( confectionary made from mugwort ) were actually used in filming until the fourth installment of otoko wa tsuraiyo series 电影《寅次郎的故事》第4部的实际拍摄中都用到的团子店。 |
| 9. | He then starts his life as a wanderer again , and meets hanako , an innocent but unintelligent girl who works in a textile mill 寅次郎不忍她离乡别井,一个人在纺织工场工作,于是出钱送她回故乡津轻。 |
| 10. | The death of the character torajiro in the series finale provoked a popular outcry , numerous complaints were made by audiences to the network 电视版大结局时安排寅次郎死掉,惹起民愤,大批观众致电富士电视台投诉。 |