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English translation for "寒冷气候"

frigid climate
hiemal climate

Related Translations:
寒冷:  1.(温度低的) cold; frigid 短语和例子寒冷的气侯 a cold climate; 今天极其寒冷。 it is extremely cold today.2.(温度低) chill; frigidity; rigour; bitterly cold
较为寒冷:  relatively cold
忍受寒冷:  endure cold
寒冷地带:  cold regions
一般寒冷:  general summer coolness
寒冷环境:  arctic conditioncold environment
寒冷伤害:  cold damage
寒冷地域:  cold region
寒冷损伤:  cold injury
寒冷的:  acoldalgidbittererbitterestbleakerbleakestchillsomefrigid (refrigerated; freezing)hibernalhiemalhyperboreanicy / freezing / chilly / ice cold / frigidparkyrigid a. frigidtoothedwinterywint
Example Sentences:
1.It is the behavioral responses which allow man to live in a cold climate .
2.I ' m quite hardened to the cold weather here now
3.Industrial processing and transports in the cold climate of winter
4.A cold climate suits apples and wheat , but not oranges and tea
5.The southerners are quite hardened to the cold weather here now
6.Is the protruding nasal saddle of the nanjing homo erectus caused by adaptation to cold climate
7.Mild hypothermia is something that most people who live in cold climates have experienced
8.It is for this reason that the future human blueprint for ascension for those in cold climates includes fur
9.People who live in cold climates prefer to use warm colours to give their homes a warm and comfortable feel
10.The eskimoes ' way of life is wonderfully adapted to dealing with the cold climate of the northern lands where they live
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