对外开放对内搞活经济的政策: policy of opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy
Example Sentences:
It unveils the special regular that how to used situation ( open door to the outside world ) and create situation ( revitalization of the domestic economy ) to development the economy for an under - developed marketing economy and culture country from the unbalanced development of regional economy to the unbalanced harmony development of the regional economy - creating condition from no condition to develop economy 从区域经济非均衡发展到区域经济非均衡协调发展揭示了在中国这种商品经济不发达、文化落后的国家,如何借势(对外开放)和造势(对内搞活)来发展本国经济,即没有条件创造条件发展经济的特殊规律。