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English translation for "对称元素"

symmetry element

Related Translations:
超对称:  supersymmetrysusy
对称船:  symmetrical ship
对称折叠:  symmetrical fold
对称回路:  symmetrical circuit
对称比:  cylindricizingsymmetrization
对称模式:  symmetric mode
对称剪裁:  symmetrical cut
对称方程组:  symmetrical equations
偶对称:  even symmetry
对称融合:  symmetric fusion
Example Sentences:
1.The "hat" distinguishes symmetry operations from symmetry elements .
2.Consisting of the protracting graph of hydrogen - like atom ' s angle distributing , computer simulation of the symmetry of molecular orbital and chemical reaction mechanism , showing the molecular point group and symmetry element , computer simulation of molecular vibration , bravias ' s crystal lattice and their transforming , extracting of plane periodic lattice , extracting of solid periodic lattice , close packing of isometrical pellet and the structure of simple mental substance , close packing of unequal pellet and crystal structure of representative ionic crystal , computer simulation of phase analysis by x - ray diffraction
内容包括类氢原子角度分布图的绘制,分子轨道对称性和反应机理的微机模拟,分子点群和对称元素显示,分子振动运动的微机模拟,布拉维晶格和晶格转化,平面点阵抽取,立体点阵抽取,等径网球的密堆积和金属单质结构,不等径圆球密堆积和典型离子晶体结构, x射线多晶衍射的微机模拟十个子模块。
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