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English translation for "射电源"

[天文学] radio source

Related Translations:
射电:  [电磁] radio◇射电暴 [天体物理] radio storm; 射电爆发 (radio) burst; 射电发射 radio emission; 射电辐射 radio radiation; 射电干扰[涉] radio interference; 射电干涉仪 radio interferometer; 射电脉冲 radio pulse; 射电脉冲星 radio puls
射电星系:  radio galaxy
射电发射:  radio emission
射电类星体:  radio quasar
射电超新星:  radio supernova
射电闪烁:  radio scintillation
射电刀:  radioknife
射电食:  radioeclipse
射电爆发:  radio emissions
射电脉冲星:  radio pulsar
Example Sentences:
1.Quasar is short for quasi - stellar radio source
2.Astronomic radio source
3.Compact radio source
4.The milky way is not an active galaxy , but it does have a powerful source of radiation called sagittarius a * at its center
银河系不是一个活动星系,但它中心也有一个强大的射电源称为“人马座a * ” 。
5.Also , vsop cannot frequently change observing object , hence it cannot supply more observations to many quasars , which are required for geodesy and geodynamics
6.In modern radio astronomy , these radio celestial bodies are called " discrete sources ? cassiopeia a , cygnus a and taurus a are some examples of discrete sources . the letter " a " represents a strong radio source
在现代的射电天文学中,这些射电天体称作分立射电源,例如仙后座a ,天鹅座a和金牛座a等, a是代表强的射电源。
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