| 1. | The sphere is fabricated by compression . 小球是用挤压制成的。 |
| 2. | You control a paddle that hits balls against the wall . 你操纵开关使小球对着墙击去。 |
| 3. | The glomerular filtration rate remains relatively constant . 肾小球滤过率也能保持恒定。 |
| 4. | Some juxtamedullary glomeruli have two efferent arterioles . 某些近髓质肾小球具有两种出球小动脉。 |
| 5. | The renal lision of crotalid envenomation is a glomerulonephritis . 响尾蛇科蛇毒中毒的肾脏损害为肾小球肾炎。 |
| 6. | The little ball that was repelled by the comb is attracted by the glass rod . 被梳子排斥的小球为玻璃棍所吸引。 |
| 7. | Renal glomeruli had hyaline changes suggestive of an immunologic process . 肾小球有表明免疫学过程的玻璃样变化。 |
| 8. | Take two identical sheet of paper and crumble one of them into a small ball . 取两张相同的纸,把其中之一捏成小球。 |
| 9. | Each glomerulus consists of a complex branching system of capillaries . 每个肾小球由复杂的毛细血管分支系统所组成。 |
| 10. | The development of severe hypertension in glomerular disease is an ominous sign . 肾小球疾病时发生严重高血压是一种不良的现象。 |