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English translation for "小阁楼"

garret 1

Related Translations:
阁楼:  attic; loft; garret; penthouse 短语和例子一位住在阁楼上的穷诗人 a poor poet living in a garret; 他小时候睡在阁楼上。 he slept in a loft as a boy
阁楼男女:  cat on the roofcats on the roofrooftop room cat
阁楼油:  attic oilatticoil
阁楼立柱:  ashlering
阁楼层:  attic floorgarret floor
阁楼骨架:  attic cladding element
阁楼地板:  garret floor
阁楼扶梯:  loft ladder
通风阁楼:  ventilated loft
阁楼儿:  attic child
Example Sentences:
1.No doubt he lived in a garret .
2.If our readers will accompany us up to a little loft over the stable they may, perhaps, learn a little of his affairs .
3.My parents live here , and i still keep a flat
4.Old glynn fifty quid a year . queer up there in the cockloft alone with stops and locks and keys
5.Dying of " consumption " seems to have been a favourite activity of garrett - dwelling 19th - century artists
19世纪那些居住在小阁楼里的艺术家们似乎都向往能死于“肺病” 。
6.A man ' s brain originally is like a little empty attic , and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose
7.With the stolidity and indifference of despair , however , he endured it all , sleeping in an attic at the roof of the house , eating what the cook gave him , accepting a few dollars a week , which he tried to save
8.He says : “ if any one would make me the greatest king that ever lived , with palaces and gardens and fine dinners , and wines and coaches , and beautiful clothes , and hundreds of servants , on condition that i should rather be a poor man in a garret with plenty of books than a king who did not love reading
他这样说道: “如果有人让我成为史上最伟大的帝王,住进豪华的宫殿,漫步于美丽的花园,食则美味佳肴,衣则绫罗绸缎,有数以百计的仆人供我驱使,但却不爱阅读;那我宁肯做一个住在充满书籍的小阁楼里的穷人! ”
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