| 1. | Now it seemed he might not even make rear admiral ! 现在看来他连个海军少将也未必当得上。 |
| 2. | Victor henry diffidently named three well-known rear admirals . 维克多亨利迟疑不决地提了三个有名气的海军少将。 |
| 3. | Your dad and admiral spruance are rounding the smiths' terrace . 你爹跟期普鲁恩斯少将绕过坡上史密斯家的房屋来了。 |
| 4. | I chose rear admiral bernard h. bieri of the united states, to head a staff group . 我选派美国伯纳德H雷海军少将率领一参谋组前往。 |
| 5. | He thought rear admiral henry's presence might dilute the tension of the dinner . 他认为亨利少将的参加也许可以冲淡这顿晚餐的紧张气氛。 |
| 6. | It is a pity they are not knocked on the head at once, before they reach admiral baldwin's age . 他们干脆一下子给劈死了倒好,何苦要挨到鲍德温海军少将的年纪。 |
| 7. | Rear admiral spruance, issuing order after order on the tbs, finally regained a semblance of control . 海军少将斯普鲁恩斯通过短程无线电对讲机发布一道又一道命令,表面上总算重新控制了局面。 |
| 8. | United states naval forces allocated to me for the proposed operation were commanded by rear admiral andrew c. bennetl . 美国海军部队,为计划中的行动而拨给我的部队,是由培纳脱海军少将指挥。 |
| 9. | For three years, soon after the first world war, i served under one of the most accomplished soldiers of our time, major general conner . 第一次世界大战结束后,我在康纳少将属下工作三年。他是当代最完善的军人。 |
| 10. | The major general ranks at this camp 少将是这个营地的最高级军官。 |