| 1. | The smallest dog in history was a tiny yorkie from blackburn , england 历史上最小的狗来自英国黑坂的袖珍尤克。 |
| 2. | And i iearned to play the ukulele in one of my iast films , not so tiny tim 在我最后出演的电影中,我学会了演奏尤克莱利琴。 |
| 3. | And there was a certain poetic justice in the way yugansk was renationalised 如今在将尤克斯再次国有化的进程中,当然也有这样一个追求公正的理想惩罚。 |
| 4. | While musicians sing and play the ukulele , i eat roasted3 pig and laugh with the locals 乐手弹着尤克里里四弦琴并歌唱时,我与当地人一同吃着烤猪并欢笑着。 |
| 5. | In youkstetter s , the pork - butcher s , father conmee observed pig s puddings , white and black and red , lying neatly curled in tubes 走边尤克斯泰特猪肉店,康米神父瞧见里面整整地摆着黑白红色的猪肉香肠,像是弯曲的管子。 |
| 6. | The pursuit of yukos also transferred a mainstay of the economy from what had become an efficient private business to opaque state control 对尤克斯的打击也使得一个经济的中流砥柱,从一个效率很高的私人企业落入不透明的国有控制之下。 |
| 7. | Despite having only stepped up to this category this year he still managed to beat some of judo ? big names , such as ukrainian roman gontyuk 尽管他只是在今年才晋升到这一级别,但他仍设法击败了柔道项目上的大牌人物,如乌克兰的罗曼?冈缇尤克。 |
| 8. | As forlorn minority shareholders in yukos can attest , western investors would also benefit from property rights and decent courts in russia 如果尤克斯的那些被遗忘的少数股东们能够上法庭做证,西方投资者也将能从财产权和正派的俄罗斯法院那里受益。 |
| 9. | A card game played usually with the highest32 cards , in which each player is dealt5 cards and the player making the trump is required to take at least3 tricks to win 尤克牌一种通常只用最主要的32张牌的牌戏,玩牌者每人发五张牌。以定王牌的一方必须至少赢三墩牌才算赢 |
| 10. | The hulk of an ancient wreck burned with blue fires , in the light of which danced the hula dancers to the barbaric love - calls of the singers , who chanted to tinkling ukuleles and rumbling tom - toms 火光里人们跳着呼啦舞。为他们奏乐的歌手们弹奏着叮叮当当的尤克里里琴,擂着轰隆作响的大鼓,高唱着野蛮的爱情歌曲。 |