Don ' t worry . we guarantee that our alarms will protect your home 别担心,我们保证本公司的警报器一定会保护您的居家安全。
B : don ' t worry . we guarantee that our alarms will protect your home 别担心,我们保证本公司的警报器一定会保护您的居家安全。
China is helping relocate up to 4 million residents living near the enormous three gorges dam to protect their safety as well as that of the environment 中国协助原来居住在长江三峡大坝附近的四百万居民迁居,以保护他们居家安全,并维护环保。
We discovered that the class was good not only for real emergency situations but also good for keeping our daily safety as we realized how many wrong ideas we had about first aid 我们发觉这些常识,不仅对重大的紧急情况有用,对于居家安全也很有助益。