身: Ⅰ名词1.(身体) body 短语和例子身高一米七二 1.72 m. in height; 转过身去 turn round; 我累得周身疼痛。 my whole body aches with weariness. 这套衣服挺合身。this suit fits perfectly.2.(生命) life 短语和例子为事业献身 give up one's life for a
准备: 1.(预先安排) prepare; get ready 短语和例子精神准备 mental preparation; 准备过几年紧日子 be mentally prepared for a few years of austerity; 准备接待外国游客 prepare to receive foreign visitors; 不打无准备之仗 fight no war unp
腿: 名词1.(下肢) leg 短语和例子小腿 shank; 大腿 thigh; 后腿 hindleg; 前腿 foreleg2.(像腿的支撑部分) a leglike support 短语和例子床腿 legs of a bed3.(指火腿) ham 短语和例子云腿 yunnan ham